Samstag, 29. September 2018

(1) From Marxist Socialism to Eco-Socialism -- Turning Points of a Personal Journey ----- (2) Ted Trainer's Eco-Anarchist Vision 2030--2050 -- It is Too Utopian


Dear friends,

I would like to inform you about two texts of mine:

(1) 2018 is a special year for all activists, scholars and theoreticians of the Left. It is the 200th birth anniversary of Marx. The classical/old Left is celebrating it. Others are holding meetings, seminars, and discussions on his works. German TV channels have made and broadcast docudramas on his life. Trier, where Marx was born, let the Chinese install a huge statue of the famous but not much loved son of the city.
    Against this background, I was requested by the editor of an online journal to write my critical appreciation of the great master. I could not exactly comply with the request because I do not possess enough Marxological qualification for the task. But I wrote something close to it – a slightly autobiographical essay entitled

From Marxist Socialism to Eco-Socialism – Turning Points of a Personal Journey Through a Theory of Socialism.

 (2) Recently a good political friend of mine, Ted Trainer, who is a protagonist of eco-anarchism, published a futuristic imaginary interview given in 2050 on how, after a huge crisis of global capitalism in the year 2030, people in various small towns and regions of the world built up, following anarchistic principles, a self-governing and largely self-sufficient political-economic system.
    I found it too utopian, of little use for today’s necessary political actions. I criticized it frankly with a short text in the form of a letter, which is entitled
Ted Trainer’s Eco-Anarchist Vision 2030–2050. It is too Utopian.

Both the texts can be found in my blogsite:

If you find them useful or just interesting, I request you to distribute them among your friends, or republish them in your website or elsewhere.

With best wishes

Saral Sarkar

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